Sue and Ron, two of our very dedicated EPOC volunteers have sent in another update on their work, this time at Tesco, on Wragby Road in Lincoln.

“Ron and I spent 4 hours manning the stand this morning. There were lots of interested customers today, and we spoke to 77 people in total. Here some examples of some of the people that we spoke to:

  • A lady stopped and said that her husband had a swollen testicle. I gave her a Blue Boxers leaflet, and suggested her husband visits the doctor.
  • A young woman stopped to have a look, saying that she hadn’t attended her last invite for cervical screening. I gave her the cervical screening leaflets, and explained that in fact they were actually for pre-cancerous cells when they did the smear.  She promised to go and get this done.
  • Another lady stopped while I was talking to a chap, and she was still looking when he had gone. She wanted all the information she could get on breast cancer, as he sister had found a lump, and others in her family had been diagnosed with breast cancer.  I explained that breast cancer was not just lumps and bumps, but changes in the breast tissue/discharge/orange peel skin etc.  She took away all the information on breast cancer, breast screening, self-examination etc.
  • A young woman stopped to read the ‘Check it out’ banner. Her father said that she had quite a number of the signs and symptoms for cervical cancer, but her doctor hadn’t found anything wrong.  They took away the Pink Pants and cervical information, and were going back to a doctor with their worries.
  • Another lady stopped by and told me her husband had quite recently died as a result of prostate cancer. She wasn’t interested in any breast cancer information as she was now too old for mammograms.  I explained that in fact she was not too old, and that if she found any changes, she should see her doctor, as she could be referred for a mammogram, regardless of age.
  • Another young woman stopped to have a look, and said that she is studying to be a nurse, and could she have some information to put into her work. I gave her one of everything.  She was most grateful.”

Thank you Sue and Ron for all your hard work!