A Step in the Right Direction
As part of our Big Lottery Fund Reaching Communities project, we ran a STEPS (A Step in the Right Direction) programme in the Ermine area and Abbey Ward of Lincoln, between January and March 2016
Our aim:
Our intention was for people to feel good about themselves, whatever circumstances they find themselves in. To deal with life’s challenges, building resilience and personal well-being. To give voice to their hopes, creating their own path towards their own goals. To be confident in their abilities, and to be motivated by the success of their actions.
What did we do?
We gave long-lasting emotional and practical tools that supported people back into work, into becoming involved in their local or wider community, into a healthier frame of mind and lifestyle.
Who did we work with?
People who want, in some way, to “move on” in their life.
We did it by supporting people to:
- Identify personal barriers
- Break cycles of limiting behaviour
- Face fears and anxieties
- Gain control
- Experiencing success
- Feel happy
- Be confident
- Be motivated
- Set goals
- Take positive action
- Feel well
“I knew I deserved a better life… I have had a lot of bad experiences, always hiding behind someone or something. The project gave me someone to talk to, someone who wouldn’t judge, allow me to look at different options, but not tell me which one to take, that was my responsibility. Now, I like who I am today. I don’t look to other people to make myself feel good. I make myself feel good!”
Moorland area of Lincoln resident
You can download the STEPS End of Project report here: